A smart Aquaponics solutions implementing Microsoft Azure, Azure IoT Hub, Azure Stream Job Analytics, Power BI and Power Apps
This project relies heavily on Azure Cloud Concept. You might want to look into these resources if you are beginner to Cloud Computing.
We will use 3x ESP8266 / ESP32 for this project. Each of the sensors will be connected to each node and the nodes will transmit different data from each other. The sensors data will be sent to Azure IoT Hub and Azure Stream Job Analytics. After that, these data will be processed in PowerBI and visualized in PowerApps.
In the end, all of these elements will be integrated in the aquaponics environment as below:
All of the coding for the IoT nodes is available at codings-iot
You can refer to our previous setup for the physical aquaponics and Electronics setup. For this project we will add two more sensors;
Azure IoT Hub - Below are my notes on how to set the environment for Azure Cloud and the IoT Devices. You can use your own way to set these up. I use VSCode for the IDE since there are a lot of extension that I can use. You can always use Arduino IDE to code your IoT devices if you are comfortable with that.
1. Configure the Azure IoT Hub -- from Azure Portal
a. RG
b. Subscription
c. Region
d. Name - for Iot Hub
e. Pricing - Scaling (Free Tier)
f. Deploy --> Go to resources
g. Shared Access Policy --> Connection String (Connect IoT device to Iot Hub)
h. Connect IoT device and Edge devices
2. Create IoT device
a. IoT device
i. Web Interface
1) Name - device ID
2) Auth type - Symmetric Key
3) Copy the Primary Connection String to connect the device to the Hub
3. Install the MX Chip Driver
a. St.com --> STSW-LINK009 -- https://www.st.com/en/development-tools/stsw-link009.html
4. Install VS Code
a. Install Extension
i. Arduino
ii. Azure IoT Tools
iii. Azure IoT Hub Toolkit
iv. Azure IoT device Workbench
5. Configure Arduino device
a. File > Preference > Settings > Type: Arduino > Look for: .json file
b. Paste "Arduino Path" -- Arduino IDE Path -- "arduino.path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\Arduino",
c. Paste "Arduino additional URL" -- github repo --
i. "arduino.additionalUrls": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/VSChina/azureiotdevkit_tools/master/package_azureboard_index.json"
6. Install MXChip on VSCode
a. Press F1 > Arduino Board Manager
b. Install MXChip - latest version
c. Connect ESP 32 device to the PC
d. Set the COM Port
e. Set the device - the MXChip Board
f. If want to see example code press F1: Open Example Code
After that, you can code your IoT nodes, one-by-one by referring to codings-iot
Replace the variable below with your Wi-Fi SSID and Password
and Azure Scope ID (your IoT Hub FQDN), Device ID and Connection String
const char* SCOPE_ID = "<ENTER SCOPE ID HERE>";
const char* DEVICE_KEY = "<ENTER DEVICE primary/secondary KEY HERE>";
After setting up all these requirements, you will need to check your IoT device connection to Azure Cloud. You are expected to see outputs as below on your Azure IoT Hub dashboard:
Your serial monitor on COM port should show:
Congratulations! Your IoT nodes are connected to the Clouds!
You can refer to my notes here as how to set the Stream Jobs and PowerBI datasets:
a. Search in the Resource marketplace
i. Job name
ii. Subscription
iii. RG
iv. Location
v. Env: Cloud
vi. Open the resource
b. Create Input - from our IoT Hub
i. Add Stream Input > IoT Hub ``` Fill in the description as below: ```
c. Create Output - from our IoT Hub to display data to PowerBI i. Add Stream Input > IoT Hub > PowerBI > Configure as required
You are set to configure your PowerBI! However to proceed to PowerBI, you will need to have a Microsoft 365 Subscription that has PowerPlatform license assigned to you. I believe after you have created PowerBI, you can set your dashboard like below:
• Power BI Desktop. The Windows desktop application
• Power BI Service. The online Software as a Service (SaaS) (https://app.powerbi.com/home)
• Mobile apps. These apps are designed for Android, iOS, and Windows mobile devices
• Power BI Report Server. After you create your Power BI reports using Desktop, you can publish them to an on-premises report server
I. How to Insert Data (Get Data-Connectors and Get Sample Data)
○ Home --> Get Data --> more (data source choices) --> choose Excel file (any kind of file to combine)
○ Navigator will show the file which has the full excel tables separately --> choose table -->click load
○ Click right panel to see tables in the 'Fields'
○ Data panel at left to see the line table as excel file
○ Model or relationship panel at left to see the whole relationship based on file chosen
II. Query Editor
○ Navigator --> choose file --> edit
○ New tab will show (Power Query Editor)
○ Setting Query (Left panel)
○ Note: In this section we can clean messy data that does not necessary. (click change type at left panel from data chosen)
III. Data Visual
○ Go to 'Report' panel
○ expend 'Visualizations' panel (Drag from data at fields panel to show data visually)
▪ Card element
▪ Edit data at the Filters
▪ Text box (as label)
▪ Image
▪ Chart
▪ Graph
Open Power Apps Studio in browser : Power Apps --> Log in Power Apps
How to Create Custom App
i. Start from data --> Excel Online (OneDrive / gdrive)
○ Note that Excel file need to have the table
ii. Choose Excel file (.xlsx) --> Choose table (Tasks) --> Click 'Connect'
○ Power Apps will generate automatically the excel file to an app
iii. Click F5 to view apps
Creating Design from 'Tree View'
I. BrowseScreen (First view when open the apps)
○ Subtitle
○ Title
○ App Name
II. DetailScreen --> Advance option to change the properties (need to unlocked) --> edit fx
○ Detail form (open Properties to 'Edit Fields' --> rearrange the data to be shown)
○ TDS_DataCard
○ EC_DataCard
○ TEMP_DataCard
○ PH_DataCard
○ Time_DataCard
• AppName
• Edit Icon
III. EditScreen
○ EditForm (DataCard)
• AppName
• Edit Icon
▪ Choose from Theme (Home --> Theme)
With that, you are all set to collect, analyze and visualize your dataset for your Aquaponics Solutions!
In conclusion, the implementations of these technology really made an impact to me, especially on how capable our technology in contributing to green technology and science! As usual, if you need help or want to ask question, feel free to email me or reach me on LinkedIn.
Thank you!